Dynamic Range Extension of Eukaryotic Chemotaxis through the Regulation of G Protein Localization

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  • 三量体Gタンパク質の局在制御を介した走化性レンジの拡張機構
  • サンリョウタイ Gタンパクシツ ノ キョクザイセイギョ オ カイシタ ソウカセイ レンジ ノ カクチョウ キコウ

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<p>Various types of cells display chemotaxis in a wide-range of attractant concentration gradient. However, mechanisms underlying the wide-range sensing are not fully understood. We have identified a novel regulator of heterotrimeric G proteins, G protein interacting protein 1 (Gip1), that extends a dynamic range of Dictyostelium chemotaxis. Our studies revealed that the Gip1-dependent spatial regulation of G protein contributed to the dynamic range extension. This differs from commonly known mechanisms including adaptation associated with the chemical modification of receptor. Higher eukaryotic cells, such as neutrophils, may adopt similar mechanism using Gip1 homologs.</p>


  • Seibutsu Butsuri

    Seibutsu Butsuri 58 (5), 237-240, 2018

    The Biophysical Society of Japan General Incorporated Association


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