Anesthetic management of neonatal urgent surgery immediately after delivery in which preoperative multidisciplinary collaboration was useful
- Funai Yusuke
- Department of Anesthesiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine.
- Matsunami Sayuri
- Department of Anesthesiology, Osaka Medical College.
- Ikejima Noriyuki
- Department of Anesthesiology, Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children's Hospital.
- Onishi Hiroyasu
- Department of Anesthesiology, Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children's Hospital.
- Suzuki Takeshi
- Department of Anesthesiology, Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children's Hospital.
- Kagawa Tetsuro
- Department of Anesthesiology, Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children's Hospital.
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 術前からの多職種連携が有用であった新生児娩出直後手術の麻酔経験
- 症例報告 術前からの多職種連携が有用であった新生児娩出直後手術の麻酔経験
- ショウレイ ホウコク ジュツゼン カラ ノ タショクシュ レンケイ ガ ユウヨウ デ アッタ シンセイジベンシュツ チョクゴ シュジュツ ノ マスイ ケイケン
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<p> We experienced a case of neonatal total anomalous pulmonary venous return and severe pulmonary venous obstruction identified by fetal echocardiography that was treated by pulmonary vein repair surgery immediately after delivery by elective caesarean section. Because the safety time margin after delivery was difficult to predict, we had created a protocol at a preoperative multidisciplinary conference, assuming the worst case-scenario. Anesthesiologists were in charge of the anesthetic management and overall supervision of the medical team. The parents were able to meet the neonate after delivery, as planned, after which the patient was swiftly moved to another operating room and intubated at 9 minutes of gestation. Due to the smooth cooperation within the team based on the pre-planning, the operation was successful and the patient was transported to the intensive care unit without any accidents throughout the anesthesia and surgical procedure. Similar urgent cases are expected to increase in the future due to the improved accuracy of fetal echocardiographic diagnosis. Regular multidisciplinary simulation trainings for neonatal urgent surgery seem to be useful based on this experience.</p>
- Cardiovascular Anesthesia
Cardiovascular Anesthesia 22 (1), 73-77, 2018-08-01
Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001288082169088
- NII Article ID
- 130007496870
- NII Book ID
- AA1145839X
- 18847439
- 13429132
- 029213497
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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