A case of cutaneous pseudolymphoma that presented with multiple large tumors on the upper back

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  • 上背部に多発性で大型の腫瘤を形成し,悪性リンパ腫との鑑別を要した皮膚偽リンパ腫の1例

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<p>An 88-year-old Japanese man visited our clinic complaining of itching on his upper back, which had persisted for 6 months. A physical examination revealed two erythematous tumors located on his upper back (sizes : 65×28 mm and 28×22 mm) and another in the right retroaxillar region (size : 22×18 mm). Blood tests detected a slightly elevated soluble interleukin 2 receptor level (788 U/mL). A biopsy examination demonstrated markedly dense infiltrates of lymphoid cells in the dermis and subcutis without lymphoid follicles. These cells were mainly small, but were mixed with medium-sized to large cells. Immunohistochemically, most of the small cells exhibited similar levels of positive staining for cluster of differentiation (CD) 3 and CD20, whereas the medium-sized and large cells tested positive for CD20 and partially positive for CD30. We diagnosed the patient with cutaneous pseudolymphoma. An intralesional injection of triamcinolone acetonide, once a month, was effective, and the tumors disappeared. No relapse has been detected for 1.5 years. Careful long-term follow-up is necessary because malignant lymphoma can occasionally occur in such cases.[Skin Cancer (Japan) 2018 ; 33 : 148-153]</p>


  • Skin Cancer

    Skin Cancer 33 (2), 148-153, 2018

    The Japanese Skin Cancer Society


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