Muscle tone evaluation of the internal oblique muscle transverse fibers by measurement of the distance between the anterior superior iliac spines

  • Ohnuma Toshihiro
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital Clinical Physical Therapy Laboratory, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kansai University of Health Sciences
  • Fujimoto Masashi
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital
  • Akamatsu Keisuke
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital
  • Kusunoki Takamitsu
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital
  • Watanabe Hirofumi
    Department of Rehabilitation, Rokujizo General Hospital
  • Suzuki Toshiaki
    Clinical Physical Therapy Laboratory, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kansai University of Health Sciences Graduate School of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Kansai University of Health Sciences

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  • 新しい内腹斜筋横線維の筋緊張評価の試み
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  • 上前腸骨棘間の長さの測定による検討

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<p>We studied the effects of change in position from the supine to the upright position on the distance between the two anterior superior iliac spines. Thirteen healthy men with an average age of 29.8 ± 8.7 years were the subjects. They were asked to maintain the supine and the upright positions, and a measuring tape was used to determine the distance between the anterior superior iliac spines, along the skin of the abdomen. The paired t-test was performed using the measurements of the supine and upright positions. A significant increase was found in the distance between the anterior superior iliac spines in the upright position compared with that in the supine position. This may be attributable to increased muscle thickness, reflecting activity of the transverse abdominal muscle and the internal oblique muscle transverse fibers, and also forward and downward bulging of the abdominal wall due to the weight of the intra-abdominal organs.</p>


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