The Educational Thought of Kurt Hahn, the Founder of Outward Bound

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  • アウトワード・バウンドの創始者クルト・ハーンの教育思想について
  • アウトワード・バウンドの創始者クルト・ハーンの教育思想について : ザーレム校での教育実践と新教育運動・青年運動との関連
  • アウトワード ・ バウンド ノ ソウシシャ クルト ・ ハーン ノ キョウイク シソウ ニ ツイテ : ザーレムコウ デ ノ キョウイク ジッセン ト シン キョウイク ウンドウ ・ セイネン ウンドウ ト ノ カンレン
  • ―ザーレム校での教育実践と新教育運動・青年運動との関連―
  • ― Focusing on His Educational Practice at the Salem School and the Relationship with the New Education and the Youth Movement ―

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<p>The purpose of this paper is to analyze the accumulated findings of Kurt Hahn in his establishing the school “Outward Bound”, developing the concept of “Adventure Education” along the way. Hahn's work is of interest here on 4 points. </p><p>1.The will power and self control of young people is an important aspect of his philosophy in Salem. </p><p>2.The idea of the mental development was completely original at the time. </p><p>3.His ideas focusing on physical training were the first to organize evaluation methods in this field in a measurable way. </p><p>4.Hahn's system was not affected by the Nazis as were youth movements in general.</p>


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