Research on Teacher's Listening in Mathematics Instruction (2)


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Other Title
  • 数学指導におけるリスニングの研究(2) : 机間指導でのリスニングを中心に


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the actual conditions of teacher's listening on KIKANSHIDO. There are three forms of listening of teacher; the evaluative, interpretive and transformative listening of teachers, which I adapt for analysing the listening of teachers. (1) Evaluative Listening: If a teacher is listening in an evaluative manner they will characteristically have an evaluative stance. For a teacher, student's contributions are judged as either right or wrong. (2) Interpretive Listening: Interpretive listening is characterised by an awareness of the fallibility of the sense being made. If a teacher is listening in an interpretive manner they will characteristically have an active interpretive stance. (3) Transformative Listening: There is an attempt to interpret and make sense of what the speaker says, but always from the point of view of the listener. If a teacher is listening in a transformative manner they will characteristically have an open stance to the interrogation of assumptions they are making. There are three forms of mislistening of teacher; fallible, Unsuccessful and selective listening of teachers, which I adapt for analysing the mislistening of teachers. There are three roles of teacher's listening on KIKANSHIDO. (1) Teacher confirms the actual conditions of probrem posing. Teaher confirms if children grasp the meaning of problem. When they misunderstand the problem teacher explains the meaning of problem again. (2) Teacher evaluates children's responses. Teacher confirms how they solve the problem. When they have errors teacher instructs them. (3) Teacher makes a plan for the next instruction. Teacher attends to multiplicity, confrontation, fallibility of children's contributions. Teacher takes up the ideas to be confronted with and differentiate. There are three roles of teacher's listening on KIKANSHIDO: confirming the actual condition of problem posing, evaluating children's responses, making a plan for the next instruction. Teacher's listening on KIKANSHIDO play an inportant roles on mathematics instruction.


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    • CiNii Articles
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