Optimization for the Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in River Water Based on the Fenton Reaction with Terephthalate
- UEKI Ryuta
- Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
- KATO Ryota
- Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
- IMAIZUMI Yoshitaka
- Center for Health and Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
- Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
- JADOON Waqar A.
- Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
- SAKUGAWA Hiroshi
- Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
- TAKEDA Kazuhiko
- Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
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- Other Title
- テレフタル酸とフェントン反応を利用した河川水中過酸化水素の定量における分析条件の最適化
- テレフタルサン ト フェントン ハンノウ オ リヨウ シタ カセン スイチュウ カサンカスイソ ノ テイリョウ ニ オケル ブンセキ ジョウケン ノ サイテキカ
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<p>A non-enzymatic fluorescence method for the determination of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in river water samples was optimized to improve the reaction time and interference by coexisting nitrite. The method was based on the hydroxylation reaction of terephthalate (TP) by a hydroxyl radical formed from a reaction between H2O2 and Fe(II), resulting in the formation of a strongly fluorescent 2-hydroxyterephthalate (HTP). The concentration of Fe(II) strongly affected the reaction time and the signal intensity; the reaction time was shortened by increasing of Fe(II), while the signal intensities decreased with increase Fe(II). The addition of sodium sulfate in the reaction mixture reduced the interference of coexisting nitrite. Under the optimized conditions, a 3-5 nmol L−1 detection limit and a 0.85 % precision at 300 nmol L−1 H2O2 were obtained. The diurnal change of hydrogen peroxide was investigated at the Kurose River in Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The concentrations of H2O2 were increased in the daytime. The maximum concentration of H2O2 was observed at 14 : 00, while the minimum was observed before sunrise.</p>
BUNSEKI KAGAKU 68 (2), 125-131, 2019-02-05
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
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- 1390001288125386496
- NII Article ID
- 130007607786
- NII Book ID
- AN00222633
- 029529498
- 05251931
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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