The Future Prediction by Before Birth Memory
- Ikegawa Clinic
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 胎内記憶から予測する未来
- Mini-symposium: An Emerging View of Human Nature,The 39th Symposium on Life Information Science
- ミニ・シンポジウム:魂の医療・魂の教育,第39回生命情報科学シンポジウム
Recently, the number of children who talk about memories before birth seems to be increasing. Many of the stories told by children around the year 2000 talk about babies were coming to their mother from the clouds or the sky (life-between-life state). However, recently, many of their stories say that they came from space. According to these stories, the purpose of why they were born seems to have changed. It was to help other people around 2000, but now it is to save the earth. Indeed, the reason for the existence of mankind has been changing. Based on these changes, I attempt to predict our future.
- Journal of International Society of Life Information Science
Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 33 (1), 94-, 2015-03-01
International Society of Life Information Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001288136131328
- NII Article ID
- 110009919523
- 24240761
- 13419226
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed