自治体における新自由主義的教育政策と教育福祉事業の展開とその転換 ──経済的困難を抱える子どもへの学習支援事業をとりあげて


  • The Relationship between Neoliberal Education Policy and Educational Welfare Projects in Local Governments: Considering a Learning Support Project for Children with Economic Difficulties
  • 自治体における新自由主義的教育政策と教育福祉事業の展開とその転換 : 経済的困難を抱える子どもへの学習支援事業をとりあげて
  • ジチタイ ニ オケル シン ジユウ シュギテキ キョウイク セイサク ト キョウイク フクシ ジギョウ ノ テンカイ ト ソノ テンカン : ケイザイテキ コンナン オ カカエル コドモ エ ノ ガクシュウ シエン ジギョウ オ トリアゲテ



In this paper, the relationship between neoliberal education policy and a learning support for children with economic difficulties in local governments is seen as follows. First, learning support is a means not only to make those children self-reliant as part of the labor force, thereby separating them from poverty, but also to reduce social welfare costs. Second, learning support is prepared for them as a complement of broken-down educational conditions of schools. Third, since education at those schools is competitive and administrative, learning support becomes a means to involve those children in such an environment and prevent them from dropping out. Fourth, based on the premise that the pathway out of poverty is to get an academic skill/career or a job, learning support forces those children to overcome difficulties by themselves, justifying getting out of poverty by self-responsibility. Fifth, private consignment of a learning support project promotes commercialization of the project, which provokes competition among operators, entry of profitable enterprises, deterioration of working conditions of supporters, etc., and to prevent them from dropping out. Fourth, learning support forces them to overcome the difficulties by themselves, justify poverty departure by self-responsibility. Fifth, private consignment of learning support projects promotes the marketing of learning support, competition among operators, entry of profitable enterprises, deterioration of working conditions of supporters, etc.


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