The Evaluation of On-demand Bus System by the Community Test

  • YAMATO Hiroyuki
  • HIEKATA Kazuo

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  • オンデマンドバスシステムの実証実験による評価
  • オンデマンド バス システム ノ ジッショウ ジッケン ニ ヨル ヒョウカ

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<p>This paper shows the system development for the practical On-demand Bus introducing the routing and scheduling algorithm. In order to start the service, following functions are implemented, the reservation system on the phone and web, the communication to vehicles, and others. Community test in Kashiwa city shows that the service level of the developed service is lower than existing route bus in Willingness To Pay (WTP) analysis. However, it is confirmed that the satisfaction level of passengers is mostly related with accurate arrival time assignment function and the WTP increases for time-conscious users like commuters.</p>


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