
  • 小川 浩平
  • 石黒 浩
    国際電気通信基礎技術研究所石黒浩特別研究室 大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科


  • Possibilities of Androids as a Poem Reading Agent
  • シ ノ ロウドク エージェント ト シテ ノ アンド ロイド ノ カノウセイ



<p>In recent years, researches on a very human-like android have became popular. The main purposes of past android researches were investigating: (1) how people treat very human-like android and (2) whether it is possible to replace existing communication media such as telephone or TV conference system, by androids as a communication medium. We found that androids have advantages compared to humans in a specific context.For example, the android drama that is one of a collaboration project with the artist, visitors reported that the android impress them especially when the android was reading a poem in the drama. We, therefore, did the experiment to investigate the advantages of the android compared to humans in the context of poem reading. An experiment was conducted to illustrate influences of the android poem reading.Participants were listened to the poem that was read by three kinds of poem reading agents: the android, the model of the android and the box. Experiment results showed that an entrainment for the poem gained the most highly score under the android condition. It indicated that the android have an advantage for communicating the meaning of the poem. </p>


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