Relationship between Muscle Cross-sectional Areas of the Longitudinal Regions and Muscle Torque of the Lower Leg While Sitting

    Department of Rehabilitation, Ishikawa-ken Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  • Naoki OHNO
    Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  • MIYATI Toshiaki
    Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  • YAMAZAKI Toshiaki
    Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University

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  • 座位における下腿筋長軸方向部位別横断面積と足関節底背屈筋力の関係
  • ザイ ニ オケル カタイキンチョウジク ホウコウ ブイ ベツ オウ ダンメンセキ ト アシカンセツテイ ハイ クッキンリョク ノ カンケイ

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<p>[Purpose] To clarify the relationship between the muscle cross-sectional areas (MCSA) of each longitudinal muscle region and the muscle torque of the lower leg while sitting. [Participants and Methods] The participants were 30 healthy young males and females. The participants sat with the ankle in the neutral position. MCSA images were obtained using gravity MRI, which can be performed in any body position. Five points of the soleus, anterior tibialis, and medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius were selected and measured. Muscle torque was measured using a hand-held dynamometer. [Results] The muscle torque correlated with the MCSA of the distal 1/4 and the most distal parts of the female lateral heads of the gastrocnemius. The muscle torque correlated with the proximal 1/4 part of the male anterior tibialis, and the middle and the maximum MCSA parts of the female anterior tibialis. [Conclusion] The MCSA of the parts related to maximum muscle torque depend on both muscle and gender, and it is necessary to consider the longitudinal part of the muscle when estimating the muscle torque from images.</p>


  • Rigakuryoho Kagaku

    Rigakuryoho Kagaku 34 (4), 411-415, 2019

    The Society of Physical Therapy Science


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