What Kinds of Classroom Environments Affect Relations Between Inter-Peer-Group Status and Subjective School Adjustment?

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  • 「スクールカースト」におけるグループ間の地位と学校適応感の関連の学級間差
  • 「スクールカースト」におけるグループ間の地位と学校適応感の関連の学級間差 : 2種類の学級風土とグループ間の地位におけるヒエラルキーの調整効果に着目した検討
  • 「 スクールカースト 」 ニ オケル グループ カン ノ チイ ト ガッコウ テキオウカン ノ カンレン ノ ガッキュウ カンサ : 2シュルイ ノ ガッキュウ フウド ト グループ カン ノ チイ ニ オケル ヒエラルキー ノ チョウセイ コウカ ニ チャクモク シタ ケントウ
  • Role of Two Types of Classroom Climate and Classroom Status Hierarchies
  • ―2種類の学級風土とグループ間の地位におけるヒエラルキーの調整効果に着目した検討―

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<p>  The aim of the present study was to clarify moderating effects of classroom climate on the relation between inter-peer-group status and subjective school adjustment. Participants were 7th to 9th grade students (N=1,417), in 46 classrooms in 3 Japanese public schools. The data were obtained from self-reports. The classroom climates measured were (a) natural self-disclosure, and (b) friction between classmates. Status hierarchy was calculated from the standard deviation of inter-peer-group status in each classroom. Multilevel analysis revealed that the 2 types of classroom climate did not moderate relations between inter-peer-group status and the existence of tasks and purposes, but status hierarchy moderated this relationship. A simple slope test showed that, only in strong status hierarchy classrooms, the students in the higher status peer groups tended to report a higher existence of tasks and purposes. The discussion deals with differences between classrooms in terms of inter-peer-group status and subjective school adjustment, and the role of status hierarchies.</p>


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