
  • 高橋 優基
    神戸リハビリテーション福祉専門学校 理学療法学科
  • 山本 吉則
    榊原白鳳病院 リハビリテーション科
  • 嘉戸 直樹
    神戸リハビリテーション福祉専門学校 理学療法学科


  • Clinical research using rhythm tasks
  • リズム カダイ オ モチイタ ケンキュウ カラ リンショウ オ カンガエル



<p>In daily life and sport situations, external stimuli can be used to control exercise. In physical therapy, periodic auditory stimulation is said to be effective at improving patients' walking ability (walking speed, stride length, and cadence). A metronome, hand clapping, and vocalization are used by therapists to deliver periodic auditory stimuli. Prediction of the rhythm is necessary to perform efficient exercise based on auditory stimuli. Reaction time and synchronization tapping tasks are used to examine the ability to perform exercise according to rhythm prediction. The mechanisms of motor control in the central nervous system are different for periodic and non-periodic movements. This study describes the results of research on motion control according to rhythm prediction based on reaction time and synchronization tapping tasks, the ability to reproduce rhythmic movements with hand clapping and foot stepping, and rhythm tasks and sensory function, and discusses clinical applications of rhythm tasks.</p>


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