Research for Matchup Analysis of Pass Play in American Football with Deep Learning

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  • 深層学習を用いたアメリカンフットボールにおけるパスプレーのマッチアップ分析に関する研究
  • シンソウ ガクシュウ オ モチイタ アメリカンフットボール ニ オケル パスプレー ノ マッチアップ ブンセキ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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<p>In our country, policies regarding sports are actively advanced towards the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. One of those policies, ”Sports x ICT” considers effective methods of utilizing ICT (Information and Communication Technology), such as development of measurement instruments, measurement and visualization of data, and proposals for new services in the field of sports. Against this backdrop, we have been developing the visualization system for American football games using terminal devices included GNSS and acceleration sensor. Using that system, we confirmed to grasp the effective information that are the individual condition and the motion analysis of American football players against not only players but also the college football leaders. But, in our existing research, we could not realize the strategy analysis of games that are to select the play calls depending on circumstances, to make a prediction of successful ratio, and so on. Then, in this research, we apply deep learning to the matchup analysis of pass play included offence and defense players, and then verify whether it is possible to infer the success or failure of a play from it.</p>



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