- タイトル別名
- The influence of game situation information on the decision making of baseball catchers when required to give directions on a play
- シアイ ジョウキョウ ニ カンスル ジョウホウ ガ ヤキュウ ノ ホシュ ニ オケル プレー シジ バメン デ ノ ジョウキョウ ハンダン ニ オヨボス エイキョウ
The present study aimed to examine the influence of game situation information, such as inning and score, on the decision making of baseball catchers in a situation requiring directions to teammates on a play. Collegiate baseball catchers (n = 10) watched a series of video images, recorded from the catcher’s viewpoint, showing a simulated sacrifice bunt to the pitcher with no outs and a runner at first base. The participants made a decision about instructing the pitcher where to throw the ball (i.e., toward either first or second base) by pressing a button at an appropriate time. The study was conducted under 4 conditions: 1) same score at the top of the first inning, 2) a one-run behind at the top of the ninth inning, 3) same score at the top of the ninth inning, and 4) a one-run lead at the top of the ninth inning. The participants verbally reported their decision-making strategy. The results suggested that the catcher’s judgment bias changed depending on the game situation. It was less biased toward first base when their team was behind at the end of the game, compared to when both teams had the same score at the start of the game and when the catcher’s team was in the lead at the end. Also, catchers consciously selected a different decision-making strategy depending on the game situation. When both the teams had the same score at the start of the game and when the catcher’s team was leading at the end, there was a strong tendency to avoid the risk of a losing score due to an erroneous decision. This tendency was weak when both teams had the same score and when the catcher’s team was behind at the end. Furthermore, the catcher’s judgment bias changed depending on the consciously selected decision-making strategy. These results suggest that catchers consciously choose a different decision-making strategy depending on the game situation, and that their judgment bias changes according to their choice.
- 体育学研究
体育学研究 65 (0), 237-252, 2020
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390002184888097024
- 130007818325
- AN00409623
- 18817718
- 04846710
- 031279595
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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