Distribution of Zn and active ingredients in deep penetration treated wood samples as observed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry

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  • 深浸潤処理木材中における亜鉛および有効成分の飛行時間形二次イオン質量分析による分布可視化
  • シンシンジュン ショリ モクザイ チュウ ニ オケル アエン オヨビ ユウコウ セイブン ノ ヒコウ ジカンケイ ニジ イオン シツリョウ ブンセキ ニ ヨル ブンプ カシカ

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In the deep penetration treatment for wood preservation, the infiltration state of the active ingredient has been evaluated by using a dithizone-Zn color reaction by adding a Zn compound together with the active ingredient. However, it has not been clarified what kind of difference exists in the penetration and diffusion behavior of the active ingredient and Zn. In this study, in order to evaluate the penetration and diffusion behavior of both components in the deep infiltration treatment process, deep penetration treated Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) kiln dried wood and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) laminated wood were analyzed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The results showed that Zn was strongly detected in a few cells, while the active ingredient distributed more widely. Although both components to be treated at the same time should share the initial infiltration process, the microscopic infiltration and diffusion behavior in wood during the infiltration and drying process should be different, which causes a difference in the final distribution state. The active ingredient may distribute more uniformly over a wider region than the Zn compound.



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