Salt and potassium intake estimated from spot urine in elementary school children and their mothers in Okinawa

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  • 沖縄県における小学生とその母親における随時尿より推定した食塩・カリウム摂取量の実態
  • オキナワケン ニ オケル ショウガクセイ ト ソノ ハハオヤ ニ オケル ズイジ ニョウ ヨリ スイテイ シタ ショクエン ・ カリウム セッシュリョウ ノ ジッタイ

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<p>Salt and potassium intake were estimated from spot urine obtained from children and their mothers at public elementary schools in Okinawa Prefecture. Estimated salt intake was 7.8 ± 1.6 g / day for children and 8.9 ± 2.1 g / day for mothers. Estimated potassium intake was 1157 ± 273 mg / day for children and 1580 ± 322 mg / day for mothers. The proportion of those who meet the Dietary Goals of the dietary reference intakes for Japanese (2015 edition) was determined. Only 5.7% of the boys, 13.8% of the girls and 12.0% of the mothers met the Dietary Goals for salt. Only 3.3% of the boys, 0.7% of the girls, 2.0% of the mothers met the Dietary Goals for potassium. There was a significant positive correlation between salt intake of girls and their mothers. In boys, there was no significant correlation with mothers for both salt and potassium intake. It is expected to improve their diet for reducing salt and increasing potassium intake while taking this gender difference into consideration.</p>



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