Effect of individual interventions on time management in the daily life of employed people with type 2 diabetes


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  • 就労している2型糖尿病患者の生活時間のマネジメントを活用した個別面接の効果

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<p>[Purpose] This study aimed to elucidate the effects of nursing interventions on time management in the daily life of employed people with diabetes.</p><p>[Method] In this stratified randomized comparative trial, individual interviews were conducted on the following four aspects: "adjustment of work," "time control," "goal setting and behaviors consistent with personal values," and "adjustment of life rhythms." The intervention was evaluated by assessing HbA1c level, Body Mass Index (BMI), time management in daily life, self-care agency, sleep condition, and stress level.</p><p>[Effect] The intervention and control groups comprised 14 and 15 participants, respectively. According to the differences between baseline and post-intervention status, although significant improvements were observed in HbA1c level, time management in daily life and self-care agency in the intervention group, no such difference was found with reference to BMI, sleep condition, and stress level.</p><p>[Conclusion] Since improvements were observed in self-care agency and HbA1c level, this intervention on time management in the daily life of employed patients with type 2 diabetes was considered to be effective. Future studies need to focus on improving its viability for practical use in the field.</p>


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