

  • Practical wisdom related to member selections in competition
  • サッカー競技会における監督のメンバー選考に関する実践知 : 短期トーナメント方式の大会における事例を例証として
  • サッカー キョウギカイ ニ オケル カントク ノ メンバー センコウ ニ カンスル ジッセン チ : タンキ トーナメント ホウシキ ノ タイカイ ニ オケル ジレイ オ レイショウ ト シテ
  • — A case study of the college football short-term tournament —
  • ―短期トーナメント方式の大会における事例を例証として―



<p> The aim of this study, as a case study of college football short-term tournament, was to clarify the practical wisdom related to member selections in team sports. The participant is a head coach of a men’s university football team in Japan. After the short-term tournament, a dialogue was held by the second author with head coach. Group interviews consisted of focus group basis for 5-6 players. Audio data obtained by the interviews were converted to the text. This was followed by discussions among the head coach and co-authors for phenomenological reflection. The results highlighted two practical wisdoms in the coaching scene that are “management for players’ motivation” and “maintenance of team functionality”.</p>


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