The occurrence patterns of somatosensory evoked potentials in athletes

  • Iwadate Masako
    Graduate school of Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon University
  • Mori Akio
    Graduate school of Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon University School of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University
  • Ashizuka Tomoko
    Graduate school of Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon University
  • Ozawa Toru
    Graduate school of Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon University
  • Takayose Masaki
    Graduate school of Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon University

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  • 運動競技者における体性感覚誘発電位の出現様式
  • ウンドウ キョウギシャ ニ オケル タイセイ カンカク ユウハツ デンイ ノ シュツゲン ヨウシキ

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<p>  We compared the occurrence patterns of somatosensory evoked potentials(SEP)in the athlete group(soccer players)and non-athlete group. SEP were elicited following separate somatosensory stimulations at the median nerve and at the tibial nerve. P2 latency following tibial nerve stimulation was shorter in the athlete group compared with non-athlete group. On the other hand, no significant differences in latencies following median nerve stimulation were observed between the athlete group and non-athlete group. The N1-P1 amplitudes following tibial nerve stimulation inclined to increase in the athlete group compared to non-athlete group, whereas no significant differences in amplitudes following median nerve stimulation were observed between the two groups. These results indicate that plastic changes in somatosensory cortex may be induced through performance of physical exercises that require skilled movements.</p>


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