Transition of Psychotropic/Neurological Drugs in Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)(Part 20) Transition in the Standards and Test Methods of Angelicae Radix from German Pharmacopoeia (DABⅠ1872-DABⅦ East1964) Compared with Angelicae Radix Listed in the Japanese Pharmacognosy Book and Angelicae Acutilobae Radix Listed in Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JPⅧ 1971, JPⅩⅦ 2016), and the Study of Angelicae Radix Descriptions

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  • 日本薬局方に見られた向精神・神経薬の変遷(その 20)ドイツ薬局方(DABⅠ1872 ~DABⅦ EAST1964)におけるアンゲリカ根の規格・試験法の変遷,およびわが国の生薬学書に収載のアンゲリカ根,日本薬局方(JPⅧ1971,JPⅩⅦ2016)に収載のトウキとの対比について,ならびにアンゲリカ根の知見に関する考察
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Angelica radix is a herbal medicine similar to Angelica acutilobare radix. It grows naturally in the northern part of Europe, and is cultivated in Germany and France. Regarding this Angelica radix, it was once listed in DAB Ⅰ (1872)-DAB VI (1926) and DAB VII (EAST)(1964). Therefore, this time I researched transition of the standard and test method in this DAB. As a result, it turns out that the details of the properties of Angelica radix have been refined in every revision. In the translation of DAB I (1872), I noticed that Angelica radix was translated as Angelica anomalae radix. At that time, the authors thought that Angelica radix and Angelica anomalae radix were the same herbal medicine in Germany and Japan.  Angelica radix was listed in the Japanese Pharmacognosy book published in the Meiji and Taisho periods. As a substitute for this medicine Angelica anomalae radix was listed. The primordium plant was described as Angelica anomala Pall. However, the primordium plant of Angelica dahurica radix (Yoroigusa) listed in the current JP XVII (2016) is described as Angelica dahurica (Fisch) Benth et Hook. This is thought to be Ezonoyoroigusa, one of the varieties differentiated from Angelica anomala Lallemant. On the other hand, in 1950, according to the opinion of Hiroshi Hikino, Angelica acutilobae radix changed from Ligustium genus to Angelica genus. Additionally, Angelica acutilobae radix was considered to be a herbal medicine similar to Angelica radix. Figure 1 shows the relation between the description and origin of Angelica acutilobae radix, Angelica radix and Angelica anomala radix in the research conducted this time. Assuming as the origin of Hokkai Angelica, the main stream of Angelica acutilobae radix, it is assumed that Hokkai Angelica and Angelica radix are closely related to each other, with Ezonoyoroigusa somewhere in between. Furthermore, from this research, it was possible to understand how the handling of Angelica radix switched to European Touki from European Yoroigusa in the academic transition of pharmacognosy and botany.


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