Transition of histopathological examination external survey in Japan
- AZUMA Manabu
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Hakodate Hospital
- ISHIDA Katsunari
- Division of Pathology, Department of Clinical Practice and Support, Hiroshima University Hospital
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shimane Prefectural Central Hospital
- Division of Diagnostic Pathology, Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital
- SAKANE Junichi
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shizuoka Children’s Hospital
- SUZUKI Toshiki
- Division of Patholory, Yamagata University of Medical Hospital
- FURUYA Shyuuichirou
- Division of Pathology, Tsukuba University of Medical Hospital
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 我が国における病理組織検査精度管理の変遷
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<p>Histopathological diagnosis plays an important role in the final diagnosis in medical care, and it is the duty of the medical technologist in charge of histopathological examination to ensure the good quality of histopathological specimens, which is the basis of this diagnosis. However, in histopathological examinations, differences between individuals and facilities are likely to occur depending on the staining method and skill. In particular, the color tone of a specimen is difficult to standardize because of the color preference of histopathologists. The Pathological Accuracy Management Working Group of the Japanese Association of Medical Technologists (JAMT) started the external quality control project in 1972 to confirm that specimens suitable for diagnosis are correctly prepared, unify the concept of specimen preparation processes, and share information for good-quality diagnostic specimens. In the meantime, JAMT has conducted a questionnaire survey on 26 histopathological examinations following 25 dyeing surveillances, including 13 secondary surveillances and 16 photo surveillances. Dye surveillance has been discontinued since 2011, and now only photo surveillance is conducted under external quality control. JAMT has varied the presentation method of the questionnaire to confirm the status of many facilities and to obtain minimum knowledge. Along with the revision of the Medical Care Law in 2017, it is expected that the facilities under external quality control would diversify, and JAMT will make further improvements and contribute to high-quality histopathological diagnosis.</p>
- Japanese Journal of Medical Technology
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 69 (3), 438-444, 2020-07-25
Japanese Association of Medical Technologists
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390004222613962368
- NII Article ID
- 130007897151
- 21885346
- 09158669
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
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