Impacts of deer on vegetation biodiversity in Japan for 2018–2019, as assessed through a questionnaire survey ―Group for the Research of the Changes in Vegetation by Sika Deer and Conservation of Biodiversity―


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Other Title
  • シカの影響に関する植生モニタリング調査と地域の生物多様性保全研究 ―シカと植生のアンケート調査(2018~2019)報告― ―地域の植生と生物多様性保全研究グループ―


<p>We examined the impact of sika deer on regional vegetation in 2018–2019 using data from a questionnaire survey. We quantitatively evaluated the impact of the deer on vegetation biodiversity and identified areas facing irreversible ecosystem shifts and biodiversity degradation by comparing survey data between 2009 and 2019. The survey aggregated 952 data sets which included areas with heavily impacted vegetation across Japan, from north (e.g., Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido) to south (e.g., Yakushima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture), as well as various vegetation types, such as evergreen warm temperate forests, deciduous temperate forests, cool temperate conifers, coastal grasslands, wetlands, and alpine vegetation. We found new evidence for impacts on inland parts of Japan and coastal areas near the Sea of Japan in 2019, in addition to heavily impacted areas since 2009. Furthermore, such effects have been expanding since 2009, especially in the southwestern part of the Pacific side of Japan. Our results indicate that negative impacts on floral biodiversity caused by sika deer are increasing in Japan.</p>


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