
  • 山田 翔太
    立命館大学大学院 国際関係研究科 博士課程後期課程


  • Drinking Water Purification Practices in the Coastal Regions of Bangladesh: Socioeconomic Conditions and Villager Recognition of Safe Drinking Water
  • バングラデシュ沿岸部農村における飲料水の浄化対策について : 村民の社会経済的状況と安全性認識に着目して
  • バングラデシュ エンガンブ ノウソン ニ オケル インリョウスイ ノ ジョウカ タイサク ニ ツイテ : ソンミン ノ シャカイ ケイザイテキ ジョウキョウ ト アンゼンセイ ニンシキ ニ チャクモク シテ
  • ──村民の社会経済的状況と安全性認識に着目して──



<p> This study focused on problems of salinity in coastal Bangladesh to identify whether the socioeconomic conditions of households and other factors affect drinking water purification practices. To achieve this objective, a field survey was conducted in a village of Shyamnagar Upazila. Using a t-test, it was revealed that socioeconomic conditions (annual income and educational background of the household head) are not essential factors determining drinking water purification practices of the village. Moreover, regarding pond sand filters constructed by development agencies, the study found villager recognition of safe drinking water and simple water quality tests do not agree. This study showed that villagers residing in salinity-prone areas perceived drinking water to be safe on the basis of color, taste, temperature, and purification systems installed on sites of drinking water resources. This means that villagers consider their drinking water to be safe, even though the purification system may not be functional and water quality may not be fit for consumption. This study concludes that it is important to maintain and monitor water quality at such purification systems-installed drinking water sources.</p><p>JEL Classifications:I12, Q01</p>


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