Trends and Problems in Youth Occupation Aid in Germany ―A Case Study of City Dresden, East Germany―
- Ikuta Shuji
- Nara University of Education
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- Other Title
- ドイツにおける青年職業活動支援の動向と課題
- ドイツにおける青年職業活動支援の動向と課題--旧東独・ドレスデン市における相談業務を中心にして
- ドイツ ニ オケル セイネン ショクギョウ カツドウ シエン ノ ドウコウ ト カダイ キュウ トウドク ドレスデンシ ニ オケル ソウダン ギョウム オ チュウシン ニ シテ
- ―旧東独・ドレスデン市における相談業務を中心にして―
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<p> The purpose of this paper is to research youth occupation aid (Jugendberufshilfe) for disadvantaged young people and the role of social youth workers (Sozialpädagoge) in Dresden, one of the cities suffering poor economic conditions in East Germany. </p><p> This paper focuses on the following points: </p><p>1. The youth occupation aid program is based on the clear background of the law, especially the Children and Youth Aid Law (Kinder-und Jugendhilfegesetz) and the Employment Promotion Law (Arbeitsförderungsgesetz). </p><p>2. Based on the Children and Youth Aid Law, the disadvantaged consists of two categories; the individually impaired and the socially disadvantaged. The factors which make their courses of life more difficult are the shortage of jobs and training places and the increasingly higher level of school certificate needed for employment. </p><p>3. The youth occupation aid program has the role of helping the youth to “integrate themselves” and to “be independent” vocationally and socially. It also has a great purpose to “promote the development of personality and social abilities”. To put it concretely, it is concerned with such social skills as keeping a promise and being punctual, the improvement of human relations, the preparation of entry sheets, job interview practice and the acquisition of knowledge and skills for information gathering. </p><p>4. The profession of social youth workers has a very great role in the youth occupation aid program. To sum up, it has a promoting role for “independence” and “personal development” of the youth by “integration” and “participation” into the labor system. Concerning its methodologies I can point out the orientation to the world of life (Lebenswelt) of the youth, receptive care and support of the youth, the creation of open spaces for them, and accompanying and case management.</p>
- Bulletin of the Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education
Bulletin of the Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education 42 (0), 1-11, 2006
The Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education
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- 1390005506404669696
- NII Article ID
- 130007980792
- NII Book ID
- AN0019161X
- 24360759
- 03862844
- 8625398
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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