- タイトル別名
- Kinaestic ability of services in table tennis:
- 卓球競技におけるサービスの動感能力に関する研究 : 女子カット主戦型を例証として
- タッキュウ キョウギ ニ オケル サービス ノ ドウカン ノウリョク ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ジョシ カット シュセンガタ オ レイショウ ト シテ
- Using the exemplification of a female chopper
- ―女子カット主戦型を例証として―
<p>In this study, the author with remarkable achievements in table tennis as a world-leading chopper aimed to reflect on and analyze her directional quality toward kinaestic senses regarding her strong topspin long service, in order to reveal a kinaestic ability, an intuitive one in particular, for acquiring the skills for the said service. Accordingly, as the essential structure of an intuitive kinaestic ability for effectively using a topspin long service, the meaning of “outsmarting the opponent” was highlighted. In addition, the suggested conclusion was that the said service would produce effects in specific situations such as “when the opponent gets used to backspin techniques”, “when the opponent are distracted by backspin techniques” and “when the opponent has lost her judgement due to fatigue”. It is true that this conclusion was drawn from the personal experiences of the author, but it was her practical knowledge accumulated in the matches throughout her life as a competitive table tennis player where it was frequently tested and validated as well as experiencing many successes and failures. The author thinks that her having been able to make this conclusion can contribute to the future development of table tennis coaching.</p>
- スポーツ運動学研究
スポーツ運動学研究 33 (0), 43-58, 2020-12-25
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390005667262841728
- 130007985925
- AN10298507
- 13407163
- 24345636
- 031283532
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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