- タイトル別名
- Code-switching in Japanese-Chinese Oral Translation Process
- 日本語から中国語への訳出過程におけるコード・スイッチング : 単文の復唱と訳出による実験的検討
- ニホンゴ カラ チュウゴクゴ エ ノ ヤクシュツ カテイ ニ オケル コード ・ スイッチング : タンブン ノ フクショウ ト ヤクシュツ ニ ヨル ジッケンテキ ケントウ
- Experimental Study Based on Repetition and Oral Translation of a Single Sentence
- ―単文の復唱と訳出による実験的検討―
In this study, the high-proficiency Japanese learners with an average length of four years in Japan were selected as the experimental subjects. The Japanese sentences containing isomorphic synonyms or homographs were used as the experimental materials. Meanwhile, repetition task in Japanese and Japanese-Chinese oral translation task were used. The study explored the process of Japanese-Chinese oral translation by comparing the reading time of isomorphic synonyms and homographs. The experimental results showed that there is no significant difference in the reading time between isomorphic synonyms and homographs regardless of the different types of the tasks. In addition, there is no significant difference in the reading time between post-reading repetition and post-reading oral translation. Therefore, it can be indicated that the high-proficiency Japanese learners do not code-switch with Chinese when reading Japanese for oral translation. In other words, the results of this experiment support the vertical approach of Japanese-Chinese oral translation.
- 通訳翻訳研究
通訳翻訳研究 19 (0), 75-96, 2019
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390005822571087872
- 130007994746
- AA1241285X
- 24361003
- 18837522
- 030345138
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles
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