コンパドラスゴの規範の構築 : メキシコ、オアハカ州、先住民村落のフィエスタの事例より


  • Norm Construction in Compadrazgo : A case study of fiestas in an indigenous village in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico
  • コンパドラスゴ ノ キハン ノ コウチク : メキシコ 、 オアハカシュウ 、 センジュウミン ソンラク ノ フィエスタ ノ ジレイ ヨリ



People in a indigenous (Zapotec) village in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico which I have studied about, call both annual events which they hold in the village and parties in their houses after a rite of passage, "fiesta". Compadrazgo is a ritual kinship system. It affects the mutual invitations to "fiestas", human relationships and their lives. Many of prior researches of the system have focused to the selection and the role of compadres. They insist that its function is starting or reinforcement of connection with an insider/outsider of the community, and with one of superior/equal social position. However, I will focus to the norms of compadrazgo. Resulting from my research of the difference of the discourse and the usage of the norms of compadrazgo in "fiestas", I find out how people here construct the norms of compadrazgo through the usage of them. They allow the absence of the compadre or his spouse in the "fiestas". And In order to reduce the costs of "fiestas", some villagers unite several "fiestas" into one occasion or integrate several couples of compadres into one couple, while some villagers don't follow the norms of compadrazgo.


  • 生活学論叢

    生活学論叢 24 (0), 3-14, 2014-03-31


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