Evaluation of safety of thermal environment in residential houses of winter season by using the BEST-H, a computational tool for analyzing thermal load in residential houses
- Yoshida Shinji
- Nara Women’s University
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- 住宅の熱負荷解析ツール BEST-H による冬期住宅内温熱環境の 安全性の評価
- ジュウタク ノ ネツフカ カイセキ ツール BEST-H ニ ヨル トウキ ジュウタク ナイ オンネツ カンキョウ ノ アンゼンセイ ノ ヒョウカ
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In this paper, the relationship between safety of thermal environment in residential houses in winter season and insulation performance considering the climate conditions were evaluated by using the BEST-H program, a computation tool for analyzing the thermal load in residential houses. In this analysis, the climate conditions for 12 cities in Japan were imposed to the input conditions for the thermal load computations. We also evaluated the thermal environment in the residential houses with the following two types of the insulation performances: (1) the houses with the insulation performance based on the Japanese energy saving standard (so-called “H25 Standard”), and (2) the houses without insulation. Through the investigations, the following three-knowledges were clarified: (1) The safety of the thermal environment in residential houses in the winter season are affected by both the insulation performance and the climate conditions, (2) The evaluation scores fluctuate widely in the turn of the seasons, and (3) It is suitable to maintain the warmth score for the residential houses up to 14 points in order to reduce the risk of both the cardiac and the brain diseases.
- Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System
Proceedings of Symposium on Human-Environment System 44 (0), 115-118, 2020
Human-Environment System