Suggestion of “kinryoku-kojo-katsudo” as a Japanese translation of “muscle-strengthening activity”
- Harada Kazuhiro
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University
- Shibata Ai
- Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University
- Oka Koichiro
- Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University
- Nakamura Yoshio
- Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University
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- Other Title
- 運動疫学分野における「筋力向上活動」という用語の提案
- ウンドウエキガク ブンヤ ニ オケル 「 キンリョク コウジョウ カツドウ 」 ト イウ ヨウゴ ノ テイアン
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<p>Objective: The Japanese physical activity guideline proposes that some lifestyle physical activities can improve muscle strength. In order to discuss about this proposal, it is necessary to clarify the concept and term of behaviors that can improve muscle strength. The purpose of this article was to introduce the term, concept, and examples of muscle-strength behaviors described in the physical activity guidelines of the U.S. and Canada, and to suggest Japanese term and further studies in exercise epidemiology.</p><p>American’s physical activity guidelines: The term of “muscle-strengthening activity” is used. The guidelines mention that “muscle-strengthening activities count if they involve a moderate to high level of intensity or effort and work the major muscle groups of the body”. The examples of this behavior include resistance training, digging, and carrying groceries.</p><p>Canada’s physical activity guidelines: The term of “muscle-strengthening activity” is also used. The guidelines indicate that “physical activity, including exercise, that increases skeletal muscle strength, power, endurance, and mass.” Lifting weights and heavy gardening are regarded as the examples of this behavior.</p><p>Conclusion: The term “kinryoku-kojo-katsudo” might be appropriate as a translation of muscle-strengthening activity. The novel aspect of muscle-strengthening activity is that the concept of muscle strength activity includes some lifestyle physical activities. Further studies exploring effective promotion strategies of muscle-strengthening activity and examining relationship between muscle-strengthening activity and health outcome would be expected.</p>
- Research in Exercise Epidemiology
Research in Exercise Epidemiology 13 (2), 146-150, 2011-09-30
Japanese Association of Exercise Epidemiology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390006507987594368
- NII Article ID
- 130008036447
- NII Book ID
- AA11865338
- 24342017
- 13475827
- 023243440
- Text Lang
- ja
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