3 GeV次世代放射光源加速器のための技術開発と建屋設計

  • 西森 信行
  • 渡部 貴宏
    量子科学技術研究開発機構 高輝度光科学研究センター 理化学研究所研
  • 田中 均
    量子科学技術研究開発機構 理化学研究所研


  • R&D and Building Design for a Highly Brilliant 3 GeV Light Source Accelerator System
  • 3GeV ジセダイ ホウシャ コウゲン カソクキ ノ タメ ノ ギジュツ カイハツ ト タテヤ セッケイ



<p>A compact 3 GeV diffraction limited light source is under construction at Aobayama new campus in Tohoku University to deliver the highly brilliant soft X-rays. The storage ring consisting of 16 4-bend achromat lattices in a circumference of 349 m can provide 28 user beamlines. The natural horizontal emittance is expected to be around 1.1 nm.rad, and the maximum brilliance will exceed 1021 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% b.w. for the 1–3 keV region with a stored current of 400 mA. The accelerator components are designed based on the studies for the SPring-8 upgrade project. A full energy injector linac utilizing C-band accelerating structures similar to SACLA is employed for the low emittance injection to the ring and the future upgrade to an SXFEL. The building for the light source is designed to satisfy various requirements such as low floor vibration and high stability of cooling water temperature based on experience accumulated at SPring-8/SACLA building and utility system.</p>


  • 加速器

    加速器 18 (1), 28-37, 2021-04-30


詳細情報 詳細情報について

