The evolution process of foreign subsidiary related to multiple functions

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  • 海外子会社における複数の職能が関連する進化プロセス
  • 海外子会社における複数の職能が関連する進化プロセス : タイにおけるいすゞ自動車を事例に
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  • case of Isuzu Motors in Thailand
  • タイにおけるいすゞ自動車を事例に

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The purpose is to reveal the evolution process of foreign subsidiary related to multiple functions based on the case of Isuzu Motors in Thailand. Isuzu Motors established factory in Thailand in 1962. It established development center in 1992. Isuzu Motors focus on production for pickup truck from Japan to Thailand in 2002. It assigns the role of model change for development center in Thailand in 2010.  As a result, it is important for evolution of foreign subsidiary that transfer management resources from head quarter, head office assignment, local environment, the mutual interaction of each function. In particular, the evolution of production function facilitates the evolution of development function. And the evolution of development function facilitates the evolution of production function.


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