- 唐津 貴志
- 千葉大学大学院 融合理工学府
- Zhilong Wang
- 西安理工大学 机械与精密計器工程学院
- Tong Zhao
- 西安理工大学 机械与精密計器工程学院
- 川嶋 大介
- 千葉大学大学院 融合理工学府
- 武居 昌宏
- 千葉大学大学院 融合理工学府
- タイトル別名
- Dynamic Fields Visualization of Carbon-Black (CB) Volume Fraction Distribution in Lithium-ion Battery (LIB) Cathode Slurry by Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT)
- デンキ レジスタンストモグラフィ(ERT)ホウ オ モチイタ リチウムイオン ニジ デンチ セイキョク スラリー ナイ カーボンブラック(CB)タイセキ ノウド ブンプ ノ ドウテキジョウ カシカ ケイソク
<p>Dynamic fields visualization method of carbon-black (CB) volume fraction ΦCB distribution in Lithium-ion battery (LIB) cathode slurry has been proposed based on electrical resistance tomography (ERT) during the manufacturing process. The proposed method consists of an impedance analyzer, a switching circuit, and ΦCB distribution imaging algorism, archiving to the measurement speed of 5 frames per second. In experiments, ΦCB distribution was visualized by the proposed method in lab-scale LIB cathode manufacturing equipment. To qualitatively evaluate the ΦCB distribution images, those images are compared with scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. This comparison shows that the ΦCB distribution images are qualitatively consistent with SEM images. In addition, in order to quantitatively evaluate the proposed method, the accuracy of reconstructed ΦCB distribution is evaluated by electromagnetic field simulations. As a result, the root mean square errors RMSE between the known ΦCB distribution and that obtained by the proposed method was less than 0.56%.</p>
- 粉体工学会誌
粉体工学会誌 58 (3), 119-126, 2021-03-10
一般社団法人 粉体工学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390006585526486016
- 130008038500
- AN00222757
- 18837239
- 03866157
- 031341745
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
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