
  • 宮本 勇一


  • Concept and Practice of Educational Reform by Wilhelm von Humboldt Focusing on the Establishment of the Delegation of Science
  • フンボルトによる教育改革の構想と展開 : 学術委員会の設立と審議に光を当てて
  • フンボルト ニ ヨル キョウイク カイカク ノ コウソウ ト テンカイ : ガクジュツ イインカイ ノ セツリツ ト シンギ ニ ヒカリ オ アテテ
  • ―学術委員会の設立と審議に光を当てて―



<p>This paper examines a socio­-political realization process of the concept of educational reform developed by Wilhelm von Humboldt at the beginning of 19th century. Over 100 years history of research on Humboldt has formed an unshakable understanding that Humboldt remained within the realm of ideal construction of humanistic education and that, however, had never shown his interest in the actual political negotiation during educational reform in 1809-­1810. This traditional image on Humboldt (Humboldtbild) is to be relativized in order to find a new way to reconstruct Humboldt’s educational reform, which would have a quite significant impact on current educational reform after PISA shock in German.</p><p>Establishment of the Delegation of Science (“Wissenschaftliche Deputation”) is the focused case to be examined. With reviewing Humboldt’s philosophy on “Bildung”, which emphasized the interactive process as the fundament of professionalization and autonomy of every cultural practice such as politics, economics, esthetics or education, this paper will identify Humboldt’s struggle to create an autonomous arena for educational practice free from (but mutually communicating with) other cultural forms. Humboldt’s concept for educational reform claimed a liberal social interaction where individual practitioners and thinkers in the educational field were expected to produce uniquely designed ideas on education. Such uniquely produced ideas and practices would bring about the significant cultural means of education that were considered as the birth of professionalism in education. Humboldt determined his mission to create such an independent arena only for education and to stimulate interactive discussions among educational agencies. His struggle on reform is then found in his design of the Delegation including negotiation for recruiting delegates and his directions to them. The Delegates were to provide a kind of stimulant to such social interaction by canonical curriculum based on the latest scien­tific perspectives. The delegates from various fields worked as Humboldt expected in the way of providing their critical and peculiarly professionalized opinions to the discussion on what students had to learn in school. Results of detailed analysis on discussions in the Delegation show that social needs, political situation and industrial concerns were taken into consideration for designing canonical school curriculum as wells as the humanistic educational perspective and latest findings in each subject of science and arts. At the end of the dis­cussion, curriculum made by the Delegation embraced a unique structure that more natural scientific subjects had to be taught in spite of the well­-known fact that drastic development in natural science starts from the 1830s. As such, under the direction by Humboldt, the Delegation contributed to stimulating social discussions on education.</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>




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