Ideal Developmental Education That Students Demand in Occupational Therapists’ Education: Review of Pre-Entrance Education through Focus Group Interviews Research
- NOMOTO Yoshinori
- University of Tokyo Health Sciences
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- Other Title
- 作業療法士養成教育における学生の求めるリメディアル教育
- 作業療法士養成教育における学生の求めるリメディアル教育 : フォーカス・グループ・インタビューによる入学前教育課題の振り返りから
- サギョウ リョウホウシ ヨウセイ キョウイク ニ オケル ガクセイ ノ モトメル リ メディア ル キョウイク : フォーカス ・ グループ ・ インタビュー ニ ヨル ニュウガク ゼン キョウイク カダイ ノ フリカエリ カラ
- ―フォーカス・グループ・インタビューによる入学前教育課題の振り返りから―
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<p>The objective of this study was to obtain suggestions on the ideal form of developmental education used for training occupational therapists from interviews with students. The author conducted a focus group interview with students of the occupational therapist training school on “good and bad things they found about pre-entrance education tasks and how to reform the same” and analyzed their opinions through a qualitative research method. From the analysis of the students’ interviews, the author obtained the following elements for the developmental education program: (1) Re-habituation of the learning attitude; (2) Consideration of the timing and the difficulty of the tasks; (3) Guidance on natural sciences; (4) Teaching the relevance of specialized subjects; (5) Giving specific examples for the national examination questions and the subjects taught; (6) Giving specific examples of diseases/disorders and teaching the corresponding medical/technical terms; (7) Teaching the discipline as a profession; and (8) Highlighting the significance of occupational therapies/activities. The author believes that incorporating these elements is essential to create a program that makes use of the students’ desire to learn “specializations.”</p>
- Journal of the Japan Association for Developmental Education
Journal of the Japan Association for Developmental Education 15 (0), 35-44, 2021-06-01
The Japan Association for Developmental Education
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390006839644568320
- NII Article ID
- 130008050439
- NII Book ID
- AA12222209
- 24238252
- 18810470
- 031583644
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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