Tomato Recognition Algorithm and Grasping Mechanism for Automation of Tomato Harvesting in Facility Cultivation

DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス
  • Uramoto Suguru
    Graduate Schools of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Tokushima University
  • Suzuki Hiroshi
    Graduate Schools of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Tokushima University
  • Kuwahara Akinobu
    Graduate Schools of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Tokushima University
  • Kitajima Takahiro
    Graduate Schools of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Tokushima University
  • Yasuno Takashi
    Graduate Schools of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Tokushima University


<p>In this paper, we describe a tomato recognition algorithm and a fruit grasping mechanism for a tomato-harvesting robot that is designed to operate in a horticultural facility. In the tomato recognition algorithm, image processing is performed on the color images captured by a depth camera to detect red ripe large tomato and oval mini-tomato fruits. Then, the spatial coordinates of the fruit center and the diameter of the fruit are calculated using the depth information acquired by the depth camera. For the grasping mechanism, we designed and fabricated a mechanism for grasping an oval mini-tomato, which is necessary in the harvesting process. Experiments using these systems were conducted in a horticultural facility where tomatoes are grown, and the performances of both the tomato recognition and grasping motions were verified.</p>


  • 信号処理

    信号処理 25 (4), 151-154, 2021-07-01


詳細情報 詳細情報について

