Evolution and Future of Video Games

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Other Title
  • ゲーム映像の変遷と未来
  • ゲーム映像の変遷と未来--レースゲームに見るゲームデザイン序論
  • ゲーム エイゾウ ノ ヘンセン ト ミライ レースゲーム ニ ミル ゲーム デザイン ジョロン
  • Introduction to Game Design through Racing Game Design
  • レースゲームに見るゲームデザイン序論

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This paper traces the history of the visualizing technology in racing games using some examples released from BANDAI-NAMCO GAMES (originally released from NAMCO) , Pole Position, Winning Run and Ridge Racer. Using the concepts in Roger Caillois's Man, Play and Games, this paper classifies the aims of the game planner and users' experiences with racing games and shows that these games are developed systematically in accordance with needs of users. Some technological challenges for the future are discussed in the final section.


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