宗教復興以降の国際機構と国際政治: イスラーム諸国がめざす新パラダイム

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  • 池端 蕗子
    日本学術振興会特別研究員 立命館大学衣笠総合研究機構


  • International Organizations and International Politics After the Religious Resurgence: Jordan and the Islamic Countries, Aiming for a New Paradigm
  • シュウキョウ フッコウ イコウ ノ コクサイ キコウ ト コクサイ セイジ : イスラーム ショコク ガ メザス シン パラダイム



<p>Not only has the religious revival phenomenon demonstrated that religious culture isdeeply rooted in people’s lives, but it has also revealed that religion is stronglyreflected in domestic and international politics. Particularly after 9/11, there has beena growing tendency to view religious ‘extremism’ as a risk factor in internationalsecurity. However, terrorism, violence and insecurity are not the only aspects ofinternational politics in which religion is involved. Even if religions themselves have atendency to provoke violence, they also have a tendency to suppress it. Therelationship between international NGOs or religious leaders working on religiousprinciples and international politics has gradually come into focus, with an increasingnumber of studies focusing on ‘religious actors.’ These studies have focused on theways in which religious beliefs have been involved in international politics.This study, on the other hand, focuses on the religious discourse of political leadersand the religious arrangements of intergovernmental international organizations. Byfocusing on the religiosity of political actors and the religious international normscreated by intergovernmental international institutions, this study aims to fill a gap inthe study of religion and international politics. As a result of collecting and observingcase studies from the above-mentioned points of view, I have identified two factors.Firstly, the dynamics by which ‘religiously correct dissemination’ and the building of aninternational consensus are linked to the construction of political legitimacy, both nationally and internationally, or at least the dynamics of political actors who seek tolink them. Secondly, there are instances of religious matters being resolved throughintergovernmental organizations.</p>




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