Current status of medical data mining

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  • メディカルデータマイニングの現状
  • メディカルデータマイニング ノ ゲンジョウ

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<p>Electronic data from Electronic Medical Record systems in hospitals have been accumulated for some time. We are promoting Medical Data Mining research targeting these data. It is expected that these studies will provide new medical evidence (Real World Evidence) from actual clinical data (Real World Data). This paper focuses on the activities carried out at the Center of Medical Information Science at Kochi Medical School, and introduces an approach necessary for the task of converting from actual clinical data to data that can be used for medical research and the construction of an analysis environment. In addition, we will introduce the viewpoints and necessary methods that should be noted when using clinical data for medical research.</p>


  • Oyo Buturi

    Oyo Buturi 90 (8), 495-498, 2021-08-05

    The Japan Society of Applied Physics

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