Study of Production Seat Booking System in a Make-to-Stock Manufacturing Process with Fixed-Lot-Size Production

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  • 固定ロットサイズ見込生産環境における生産座席予約システムに関する研究
  • コテイ ロットサイズ ミコミ セイサン カンキョウ ニ オケル セイサン ザセキ ヨヤク システム ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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<p>This study considers a production seat booking system in a make-to-stock manufacturing process with fixed lot size production.</p><p>This is a scheduling system similar to that used in airplane and train booking systems where the user assigns jobs to vacant seats and makes production plans. As a preliminary step, the user increases or decreases the number of seats in advance, taking into account demand and inventory. Setting this increase/decrease in seats is as an important decision-making process to prevent inventory shortage/excess in the system.</p><p>Our previous study adopted a more quantitative evaluation method than previous studies and proposed a method for estimating the controllable parameters for setting the number of seats to reduce shortages and inventories using multiple regression analysis. However, since the production model of our previous study is similar to the make-to-order production process, this study assumes a make-to-stock production environment with fixed-lot-size production and expands it to a more realistic production model using production instructions in a replenishing point manufacturing system, which takes inventory levels into account. We also add losses due to set-up and vacant seats to the criteria.</p><p>We quantitatively evaluated how the control parameters affect the criteria in the production model, and studied a method for estimating the control parameters for setting the number of seats to reduce the related cost using "Response Surface Method (RSM) Unity Optimization" (JUSE-StatWorks®/V5).</p><p>Based on these findings, the purpose of this paper is to help set the appropriate number of seats in a production seat booking system for a fixed-lot-size production environment.</p>


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