The Architectural Control under Cooperative Standardization

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  • 協調的な標準化におけるアーキテクチャ・コントロール
  • 協調的な標準化におけるアーキテクチャ・コントロール : 知識の観点から見た移動体通信分野の事例検討
  • キョウチョウテキ ナ ヒョウジュンカ ニ オケル アーキテクチャ ・ コントロール : チシキ ノ カンテン カラ ミタ イドウタイ ツウシン ブンヤ ノ ジレイ ケントウ
  • An Investigation of The Case of Mobile Telecommunication Sector from The Perspective of Knowledge
  • 知識の観点から見た移動体通信分野の事例検討

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<p>Facing with the increasing complexity of the system, more and more firms attempt to share their technologies with other players both within and across borders. Opening technologies as such is typically encouraged by cooperative standardization by multiple firms, which also results in technology spillovers. For the problem, it has been considered important not only to lead the standardization but also to secure intellectual property rights by acquiring patents related to the standardization.</p> <p>Yet, securing intellectual property rights through patents is reported to bring about “the paradox of openness.” Firms attempting to secure the rights to technologies have to disclose the technical information concerned at the same time. This means that the more patents firms acquire, the more spillovers of their technologies will follow. In fact, it has been revealed that emerging firms have acquired their technological development capabilities and gained competitiveness by exploiting the patents of leading firms. In this context, why can some firms lead technological and industrial developments and maintain their advantage while disclosing their technologies with a large number of patents they hold?</p> <p>To address the issue, This article focuses on the argument on the “architecture control” over an opened system. Then, this article examines the knowledge of the firms generating influential technologies (patents) that are frequently cited by other firms in the mobile telecommunication sector. The results show that accumulated system knowledge that integrates various technologies across subsystems, rather than the volume and variety of technologies (patents), can help the leading firms generate a series of technologies that can secure these firms’ architectural controls.</p> <p>Firms’ efforts on standardization and patenting encourage the openness and spillover of technologies. Nevertheless, the results above indicate that firms with system knowledge that integrates various technologies can control the developments of technologies and industries and thereby secure their advantage. In the international labor division driven by technological openness through cooperative standardization, firms to lead technological and industrial developments are required to not only focus on the standardization and patenting of individual technologies but also pour efforts to shape system knowledge behind these technologies.</p>


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