Online interprofessional education during the COVID-19 pandemic of our large foundational IPE program.
- 井出 成美
- Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing, Interprofessional Education Research Center
- 臼井 いづみ
- Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing, Interprofessional Education Research Center
- 孫 佳茹
- Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing, Interprofessional Education Research Center
- 馬場 由美子
- Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing, Interprofessional Education Research Center
- 飯野 理恵
- Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing
- 朝比奈 真由美
- Chiba University Hospital
- 関根 祐子
- Chiba University Graduate School and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 中口 俊哉
- Center for Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba University
- 酒井 郁子
- Chiba University Graduate School of Nursing, Interprofessional Education Research Center
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- COVID-19感染拡大下の大規模オンラインIPEの実際
- COVID-19 カンセン カクダイ カ ノ ダイキボ オンライン IPE ノ ジッサイ
- 【特集】「ICTを活用したIPE」について
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This paper reports on a large-scale online IPE conducted at Chiba University from 2020 to 2021, focusing on collaborative learning and experiential learning in“Step 1,” the first year of the four-step program. In the collaborative learning, the mean group work self-evaluation scores of students were significantly higher in the group using both of the on-demand tools and the simultaneous interactive tools than in the group using only on -demand tools (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in faculty evaluation scores, suggesting that positive feedback from faculty is especially necessary for learning with on-demand tools. In terms of experiential learning, we reported on the implementation issues of learning through interviews with patients and service user using e-mail and simultaneous interactive tools. Assessing the literacy of students with various ICT tools and ensuring the protection of personal information of patients and service users are issues that more need to be addressed.
- The Journal of Interprofessional Collaboration in Health and Social Care
The Journal of Interprofessional Collaboration in Health and Social Care 14 (2), 126-132, 2021
Japan Association for Interprofessional Education
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390008832635236992
- NII Article ID
- 130008125985
- 40022827284
- NII Book ID
- AA1245809X
- 24344842
- 18836380
- 031988010
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed