

  • A Teaching Method of Passive Voice Expressions Based on the Writer's Viewpoint
  • 書き手の視点に基づく受身表現の指導法 : 日本語母語話者と日本語学習者データの比較から
  • カキテ ノ シテン ニ モトズク ウケミ ヒョウゲン ノ シドウホウ : ニホンゴ ボゴワシャ ト ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ データ ノ ヒカク カラ
  • A comparison of the Japanese native speaker group and the Japanese language
  • 日本語母語話者と日本語学習者データの比較から



This paper is a practical study in which an instructional plan for passive voice expression was created based on the results of a questionnaire survey and analysis of the writer's viewpoints using illustrations, and the class was given to intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese. First, a questionnaire survey was conducted in which native speakers of Japanese and learners of Japanese were presented with a four-frame illustration of the same story and asked to write freely. The results of this survey showed that in the illustration of the “story on the train,” the percentage of people who expressed active sentences from the viewpoint of the giver was higher than that of people who expressed passive sentences from the viewpoint of the receiver in both groups. The results showed that native speakers of Japanese wrote their essays with empathy for the feelings of those who were inconvenienced. Based on these results, we developed a teaching plan for passive expressions for learners of Japanese and conducted a class. In the free writing of the learners in the second class, the rate of misuse of passive expressions decreased, and the percentage of learners who used expressions expressing emotional movements increased. This survey revealed that in order to express more natural Japanese sentences, “expressions that empathize with the pain of those who are inconvenienced” are necessary, regardless of passive expressions.


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