越前における法華信仰の展開 : 敦賀鋳物師地区の小型石造物考


  • The Development of Hokke Sect in Echizen : A Note on Small Stone Structures in Turuga Imoji District
  • エチゼン ニ オケル ホッケ シンコウ ノ テンカイ ツルガ イモジ チク ノ コガタ セキゾウブツ コウ




A number of stone structures―stone tablets, stone tower gravestones, and Buddhist images―have been found in Imoji district, Turuga, Echizen. The majority of them are excavated, their dates ranging between Kouji 3 to Ouei 32. Based on the survey of these findings, this paper first presents the details of the stone structures, and then analyzes the historical background of their construction in the second section.The first section of the paper reports the details of the Imoji stone structures. These stone buildings characteristically contain engraved Gorin (a grave stone composed of five pieces piled up on top of one another) and Kasatoba, often being made into a double tower structure. The Buddhist text of “Na-m-myo-hou-ren-ge-kyo” is also engraved onto them. Since the years of manufacture are often encoded in the text, the chronology of the stone buildings can be established for at least 130 years. Kasatoba appears first, followed by the stone towers, and then the stone tables. Considering the fact that the stone structures contain Buddhist texts and that Kasatoba is the hallmark of the Hokke sect, the presence of these stone buildings indicates the expansion of the Hokke religion in this area during late Medieval era. However, due to the war, the city of Turuga does not possess medieval historical texts that could document the historical background for the construction of those stone structures.The second section of the paper analyzes the Hokke sect at Turuga during late medieval era based on the current distribution of stone buildings and a few remaining historical texts. The study proposes the significance of the Hokke denominations. The Hokke sect at Turuga has two main schools, namely, Rokujo (Honkokuji) and Shijo (Myokenji, Nichizo). The stone buildings found in Turuga belong to the Daijoji temple, which belonged to the Honkokuji school. The Daijoji temple has long been abandoned, while other temples belonging to the Shijo school are still in place at present. The study concludes that the decline of Honkokuji school resulted from the collapse of the Asakura clan and the rise of Oda clan who conducted the rearrangement of settlements and abolished the dual denominations in the Turuga region.



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