祭りと葬式を行き交う身体 : 奴振りを担う人々と葬祭業(第Ⅰ部 論考 / 1. 民間宗教の中・近世から近代へ)


  • Persons Who Come and Go between Festivals and Funerals : Yakkofuri Performers and the Funeral Business
  • 祭りと葬式を行き交う身体--奴振りを担う人々と葬祭業
  • マツリ ト ソウシキ オ ユキカウ シンタイ ヤッコフリ オ ニナウ ヒトビト ト ソウサイギョウ




Yakkofuri or Yakkoburi symbolizes the processions of feudal lords and traces its origins to the expansion of the retinue of the attendants of warriors. Around the mid-1600s, yakkofuri was included in festival processions because of the pageantry of the costumes. Some time later, the unique dances came to be valued as performances, and, influenced by kabuki dances, they were often included in the processions of feudal lords. Today, yakkofuri are folk performances seen in festival processions throughout Japan.Before the appearance of the funeral litter in Osaka, this yakkofuri was seen in funeral processions that took bodies to be cremated. The sight of retinues that enlivened festivals in solemn funeral processions is truly incongruous. It is understood that this occurred because in the Early Modern period funeral businesses in Osaka supplied people for the processions of feudal lords, and in the Meiji period a new business evolved in which yakkofuri was incorporated into processions that took place for large funerals. It has also been said that the fondness for flamboyant and garish funeral processions with yakkofuri is a trait unique to Osaka.However, a look at the composition of funeral processions reveals that yakkofuri was one part of the retinue of Buddhist monks. That is to say, yakkofuri was added to funeral processions as retinues for priests and monks. Examples of retinues accompanying priests have also been confirmed in documents dating from the Early Modern period belonging to temples in the Koto area of the former province of Omi. According to these documents, retinues of priests called “ondoshi ninsoku” or “tera ninsoku” and retinues of attendants comprised part of a funeral procession.In a number of shrines in Osaka, when festivals took place yakkofuri was performed mainly by those in the funeral business. As suppliers of people for the processions of feudal lords, Osaka funeral operators came and went from shrines and temples on a daily basis. When festivals were held they stood at the head of the procession to lead others, and made arrangements for a variety of participants, including retinues of attendants. The role of leading a procession was reserved for a particular operator for each shrine, with Kagotomo leading the Osaka Tenmangu procession, Kumadaya the Goryo Shrine procession, Awaya the Namba Shrine procession, and Hirakyu the Kumano Shrine procession. It is said that the yakkofuri dance was different in north and south Osaka.The persons who performed yakkofuri seen in funeral processions in Osaka came and went freely between ceremonies for the dead and Shinto purification ceremonies. Their origin goes back to attendants who accompanied the retinues of priests in funeral processions and funeral businesses that supplied participants for the processions of feudal lords.



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