テニスサービス打球音にみられる特徴 : 世界のトップ選手を対象として

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Characteristics of impact sounds in tennis service among top-level players
  • テニスサービス ダキュウオン ニ ミラレル トクチョウ : セカイ ノ トップ センシュ オ タイショウ ト シテ



The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of impact sounds in tennis service and to clarify the common and unique characteristics among 8 top-level tennis players. The sound data was obtained from the matches in The Championships, Wimbledon 2016, and the waveforms of impact sounds in service for 8 male top-level players were collected. The results showed that impact sounds in service had common characteristics of waveforms, which were eight peaks, three clusters in the eight peaks, and the same inter-peaks intervals between both court sides among 8 players, regardless of speed of service, ball direction or other factors which may affect the audio components. Also each player showed his own unique characteristics on the amplitude and duration of the impact sounds.


  • 総合保健体育科学

    総合保健体育科学 40 (1), 37-43, 2017-06-30


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