生きる力に影響する要因 : 体育における学習意欲、ストレス適応、心理社会的スキルの視点から

DOI 機関リポジトリ 機関リポジトリ HANDLE HANDLE ほか1件をすべて表示 一部だけ表示 オープンアクセス


  • Factors that Influence a "Zest for Living" : From the Perspectives of Learning Motivation, Adaptation to Stress, and Psychosocial Skills in Physical Education Class
  • イキル チカラ ニ エイキョウ スル ヨウイン タイイク ニ オケル ガクシュウ イヨク ストレス テキオウ シンリ シャカイテキ スキル ノ シテン カラ



lkiru chikara, a Japanese concept officially translated as "zest for living" that refers to the ability to grow and adapt, is necessary for successful adaptation to a lifelong learning society. Ikiru chikara is said to encompass the ability to identify problems for oneself, to learn, think, make judgments and act independently, and to be more adept at problem solving. It also is linked to a rich sense of humanity, selfcontrol, the ability to cooperate and consider other people's feelings, a spirit that feels emotion, as well as good health and physical fitness, which pave the way for an active life. In this study, the relationship between ikiru chikara and learning motivation, adaptation to stress, and psychosocial skills in physical education class was examined. The participants, comprising 532 elementary and 739 junior high school pupils, were asked to answer questions concerning these items, and the correlation coefficients among these variables were obtained. Positive correlations were found between ikiru chikara and learning motivation, adaptation to stress, psychosocial skills, and mastery climate in physical education class for both elementary and junior high school pupils. The multiple regression analyses also revealed that psychosocial skills and learning motivation in physical education class were positive factors. In the ljght of these results, it is clear that further studies are necessary to investigate how the ability to grow and adapt is affected by and can be fostered through learning in physical education class.


  • 総合保健体育科学

    総合保健体育科学 33 (1), 23-29, 2010-04-30




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