Crisis Management and Development Path: Southeast Asia in the First Half of the 19th Century

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  • 危機対応の社会組織研究をめざして : 19世紀前半東南アジア試論
  • キキ タイオウ ノ シャカイ ソシキ ケンキュウ オ メザシテ : 19セイキ ゼンハン トウナン アジア シロン

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There is today a need for a history of crisis management. This essay presents the perspectives, frameworks and criteria which enable such a history to be written, taking the first half of the 19th century Southeast Asia as a case. Presenting these analytical tools, the paper argues as follows; (1) In the first half of the 19th century, most Southeast Asian governments faced drastic economic changes both globally and regionally. (2) There were as yet no unitary economic trends in each country. The factors which affected economic situations in local societies were various and had limited impacts. In addition, the important factors were not closely related to each other. (3) To adapt to the changes (i. e. to maintain the balance of their budgets), both the colonial and indigenous governments implemented policies very similar. Based on these arguments, regarding the Western expansion, we can hypothesize that the major cause of the expansion at that time was not the dominance of Western economic and military powers; rather it was the shrewd policies in the economic crisis that were recognized as more tolerable and were supported by most of the actors and groups such as native peasants, native rulers, Chinese merchants, as well as European merchants.


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