民国初期の高等教育における「教養」教育に関する一考察 : 伝統的学問教養の位置付けを中心に


  • A Study on Higher Education's Liberal Education in the Early Republic of China : Focusing on the Evaluation of Traditional Cultural Knowledge
  • ミンコク ショキ ノ コウトウ キョウイク ニ オケル キョウヨウ キョウイク ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ デントウテキ ガクモン キョウヨウ ノ イチズケ オ チュウシン ニ




It has been more than a hundred years since modern education was introduced to China and Japan. The Confucianism-based traditional cultural knowledge which used to be required for a national elite has declined because of frequent educational reformations in these hundred years. However, when we reconstruct the education which can deal with a new social change and consider to train new generation human resources while reflecting on the past education reformations, we should reconsider examining declined traditional cultural knowledge and evaluating it in educational framework. Based on the idea above, this paper analyzes the elites training education policy during the tempestuous period, the early years of Republic of China. The government of the early Republic of China which put an end to feudal society by Xinhai Revolution and started a new era was faced with the issue how they should succeed the tradition. The educational policy and reformations constructed in the early Republic of China are considered to have given a great influence on the educational style in the forthcoming age. Therefore, I studied on the elites training education policy, the government officials' employment examination and the overseas study policy in higher education in the early Republic of China as well as on Peking University, the central elite university as a referential example of the actual educational conditions. In conclusion, by making thorough analysis and examination we should mingle the superior part of traditional cultural knowledge accumulated in the long history with a new modern aspect and should create a new education. However, there are two problems: because of the idea of constructing a powerful country as the goal of the development of modern society the blend of the tradition and a new aspect has not been actualized; and a social elite needs to acquire not only special knowledge but wide cultural knowledge, but the proportion of cultural knowledge has been decreased and its evaluation has been made vague because the development of scientific technology has been pursued and special knowledge has been unilaterally emphasized. These two problems would be one issue for the contemporary educational reformation in China and Japan.


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